Sea Cadets first aiders deploy their training

Sea Cadets first aiders deploy their training

Just after ceremonial Colours at 08h00 on Saturday, 05 November 2022 an elderly gentleman pulled up at the gate of TS Woltemade, the Sea Cadet training ship in Lakeside. He called for assistance as there was a lady lying in the road was having a seizure.

The Sea Cadet First Aid party on duty for the day jumped into action, notified the Officer of the Day, grabbed the first aid kit from the Quatermaster’s Lobby and ran down the road to assist the lady. The Officer of the Day followed them by vehicle.

Upon arrival they found the patient to be unconscious and experiencing several fits. When she awoke they calmed her, covered her with a blanket, contacted her family and waited for their arrival.

It was later learned that their patient was an epileptic.

“Although I have experiences someone having a fit before this was the first time that I had experience someone having multiple fits after each other. As a result we needed to think out of the box and adapt our training.” LS J Everson.

Upon arrival the paramedics praised the Sea Cadets for their speedy response and for effectively implementing their First Aid training. 

After the event the neighbours reported to the Commanding Officer, Lt (SCC) Gaylene Pillay, that they were impressed with how the Sea Cadets took charge with confidence and calmed everyone, especially the patient, down.

“I am grateful that I could be of assistance to her in her time of need. I am just happy that she is safe.” PO J Abrahams

Lt Gaylene Pillay indicated that she was “bursting with pride for the Sea Cadets and that the training received was successfully applied.”

Sea Cadets range from 13 to 17 and many complete an adult level 1 First Aid course as an elective.

This positive experience amplifies the need for basic First Aid training.

Bravo Zulu to the First Aiders from TS Woltemade.

Photo caption: LS Jody Everson (Steenberg High Grade 11), PO Jermaine Abrahams (Cedar High Grade 12), PO Amy Leigh Adams (Lavender Hill High Grade 12), Ens Reuben-Lee Pillay (Officer of the Day), PO Gracia Pillay (Simonstown High Grade12), PO Dorian Sissing (Grassy Park High Grade 12) LS Jared Lee Bomester (Elsies River High Grade 11).
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